At Stake: Hunter’s Freedom

ROBERT RINGER: In January 2022, I said, “Anyone with an IQ above 60 realizes that the chances of Biden running again are zero.”  I followed that up in January 2023 when I wrote, “My best guess is that the Dems will allow Joe to continue being the make-believe president for as long as possible to avoid the negative optic of a lame duck in the Oval Office.  Then, shortly before the primaries begin, he will announce that he’s not going to run for reelection ‘for the good of the country.’  He will be hailed as a magnanimous patriot who put the wellbeing of America before his own.”

Since I penned those words, I’ve been looking forward to writing an article titled “I Told You So.”  After all, a guy has a right to boast a little when he makes a gutsy prediction that comes true.  But life takes some strange turns, and, as a result, circumstances continually change.

What changed in the political sphere was that it became clear crooked Joe would lose the (legal) vote to Trump and take many House and Senate Democrats down with him if Republicans could finally get a handle on Democrat cheating.  Given this reality, I found myself hoping I would be proven wrong and that Biden would somehow survive the Obama-Pelosi-led coup.

To complicate matters, just as the suspense over whether Democrats would succeed in banishing their leader to Rehoboth Beach reached a fever pitch, along came a neophyte assassin to steal the news cycle.  For a couple of days, it looked like the distraction might save Joe, with calls for his ouster dying down.  But once Broomstick Nancy and Barack reopened the subject with subtle but public calls for the beleaguered puppet president to give it up, Biden’s fake presidency was doomed.

The Bidens are not complicated people.  Their mantra is simple:  Show me the money.  In order to get the Big Guy to go quietly into the night, you can be sure there was a financial settlement with Democrats that ranks among Biden’s biggest grifts.  In addition to hard cash, which always gets the attention of the Bidens, there most certainly were assurances that Hunter, brother Jim, and Joe himself would be protected from criminal prosecution as long as Democrats are in power, and that Hunter would be pardoned for his gun conviction in Delaware and his tax crimes in California (although Joe could do that himself before leaving office, if necessary).

Thus, contrary to popular belief, Joe Biden’s ego and stubbornness have never been the main reason why he refused to vacate the White House, and neither was fake doctor Jill’s delusions of grandeur.  The real problem has been, and still is, Hunter Biden’s criminal liability.  As a result, Hunter has become Joe’s de facto chief of staff, because even though he’s as dumb as a cheap crackpipe, he has enough of a brain left to realize he could go to prison for a very long time if his old man is out of office.

The sticking point is that after being escorted out of the White House, even though Joe can pardon Hunter for his gun conviction and tax evasion charges (coming to trial September 5), none of the Bidens can be pardoned for their decades-long bribery/money-laundering scheme.  That’s because Merrick Garland has not indicted them for their massive crimes, and they can’t be pardoned for something for which they haven’t been charged.

Thus, a new Republican attorney general could go after them for what is probably the biggest criminal conspiracy in American political history.  The evidence is beyond overwhelming, but whether or not the case will be prosecuted is dependent upon who the new attorney general is if Trump wins.  Obviously, if Trump doesn’t win, the Bidens will skate, but America will be forever lost anyway.

With everything else that’s been happening, and with election season in full bloom, no one is talking about Hunter’s precarious situation and the potential for the entire Biden crime family to be brought down, but if Republicans find a way to win the White House and both branches of Congress, look for members like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Anna Paulina Luna, and Elise Stefanik to demand that Republicans move in for the kill.  And since Democrats insist that Biden is perfectly capable of finishing out his term, the argument that he is “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory” doesn’t cut it.

On the other hand, we should never forget that Republicans shudder at the thought of treating Democrats the same as Democrats treat them, so it’s doubtful the Bidens have much to worry about. The more things change …

Robert Ringer is an American icon whose unique insights into life have helped millions of readers worldwide. He is also the author of two New York Times #1 bestselling books, both of which have been listed by The New York Times among the 15 best-selling motivational books of all time.


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